A safe-haven environment that fosters life-long lessons for campers.

JAB CAMP initials was originally meant to represent Jared Armstrong Basketball, but it has truly represented our society in the last few years. We have taken a ‘JAB’ backward, and our mission is to help bridge the gap and build community. JAB CAMP started in 2023, as an idea from our Founder and CEO, to combat antisemitism, racism, and through the game of basketball.

Through basketball, our goal is to bring youth together from all different ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds to not only teach the fundamentals of basketball, but the importance of pluralism, unity and gaining mutual respect amongst each other.

JAB CAMP will provide a safe-haven environment for campers regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion. Camp brings a holistic approach to help campers learn how to work with individuals from all backgrounds. During camp, campers will take courses on antisemitism/racism education, nutrition, and financial literacy.



OUR VISION is to help bridge the gap between ALL communities. With rise of ALL hate crimes across the world, including: racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, Anti-Asian hate, and many more. Our hope is through the power of transformative sports to teach our youth the importance of understanding one another.